Media Center
Reading Program
The heart of our reading program is our Reading Rewards Library Card. The rewards card is an incentive for students to read 25 books from a variety of fiction and nonfiction genres throughout the school year. Students who complete their entire Reading Rewards Card become Reading Stars, and they are recognized for reading 25 books. Students should be selecting books by interest first and then within their Lexile Range based on diagnostic assessments given throughout the school year. Parents and students are welcome and encouraged to visit the Harper Elementary Media Center! |
Students are encouraged to read from these genres:
Adventure Fiction
Award-Winning Fiction
Classic Fiction
Fantasy Fiction
Graphic Novel
Historical Fiction
Humor Fiction
Mystery Fiction
Realistic Fiction
Scary Fiction
200s (Religion & Mythology)
300s (Social Science)
500s (Science)
600s (Technology)
811 (Poetry)
900s (Geography & History)